Cache to Game

  • Cross Country

  • Intermediate

  • 9.8 mi.

  • 7434 ft.

Trailhead: Jackson Hole

This ride combines two of the great trail systems in Jackson Hole.  Cache to game or simply Cache Game in local parlance is one of Jackson’s must do rides.  Generally, it is ridden from the Cache Creek trailhead, the Cache Creek trail, then onto the Game Creek trail which takes you up and over the ridgeline dividing the cache creek drainage and the game creek drainage.  This ride is a mix of two track and long, flowing singletrack that takes you through some beautiful country that provides unique, western views.  Be sure to bring food, water and spare parts as a flat tire on parts of this ride will make for a long walk.

Although some run a shuttle for this ride we recommend turning it into a loop by connecting with the bike path that runs from Game Creek road back into town.

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