Cross Country
2 mi.
7687 ft.
Trailhead: Hoback's Favorite
Ferrins is one of the best climbs and decents in the Cache Creek area and is accessible from several trails including Hagen, Hagen Highway, and Sink or Swim and will take you to the top of Snow King where you can choose any number of ways down. A favorite after work workout for many Jackson locals the trail is a well paced 1300 ft climb in about 3 miles including your climb up on one of the access trails. While the Snow King Summit Trail is more direct in getting you to the top of Snow King, Ferrins is more enjoyable for those without super human lungs as a single track trail tucked into the woods with ample switchbacks. Once at the top it’s up to you: if you got places to be turn right around as those switchbacks make for a rock’n descent, if you’re more into challenging your technical skills go straight at the intersection and follow the signs to Wilson Canyon for the most technical downhill in the Cache Creek area, or if you’re looking for a longer ride take the left before Wilson Canyon to drop into West Game and continue on from there.