Arrow Trail
Cross Country
4.19 mi.
8263 ft.
Trailhead: Teton Pass
Arrow is a great cross-country trail that winds its way out to the Phillips Canyon Trail. It is a nice out and back although you can access Phillips Canyon, Snotel and the Phillips Ridge trails from Arrow. If you park at the Phillips Ridge trail head you might consider riding Arrow to Snotel to Phillips Ridge back to Arrow for a nice loop. If you are looking for a good grind consider parking at the Stagecoach in Wilson and riding Old Pass Road > Phillips Connector > Arrow trail > Phillips Ridge or Phillips Canyon then pedal back to the Stagecoah via Fish Creek Dr. This loop makes for a pretty big day in the saddle. depending on your route it can be 19+ miles and over 2800 vertical feet of climbing.
Regardless of your route, make sure to bring plenty of provisions and repair materials as you are a ways from civilization once you get on these trails.